
employee management
man with a briefcase and a surgical mask

Refusing to Attend the Workplace for Fear of Coronavirus – A Reasonable Excuse?

Over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, Government guidance on workplace attendance has been uncertain at best, however, as employment claims from 2020 start reaching their conclusions, we now have some further clarity on how tribunals are approaching this question.
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Vaccine vials with "coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccine" text on label

Vaccination or Termination: Can Employees Be Required to Take the Coronavirus Vaccine?

Vaccination or Termination: Can Employees Be Required to Take the Coronavirus Vaccine? Key Contact: Claire Knowles Author: Adam McGlynn Over the last year, the Coronavirus pandemic has caused widespread disruption to the livelihoods of the British people. At last the distribution of a vaccine provides a light at the end of the tunnel, however, there...
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Workplace incident information form

Employer not vicariously liable for “practical joke” of employee which caused contractor’s hearing loss

In the case of Chell v Tarmac Cement and Lime Limited, the High Court found that Tarmac was not vicariously liable for the actions of a rogue employee who sought to play a practical joke on his colleague. This is one of the first cases to apply the Morrisons judgement of the Supreme Court, handed...
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